lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

I've never wanted...

I've never wanted that you hate me....
i dont know why you are ignoring me....i understand
that everyone makes mistakes... i want that you can see me just like a good memory...
Im sorry...but im not ready to love someone else...
and i tried to be in love again...but i couldnt.... heart is still belong with him...he conquered me
at the first time..and I cant forget all that he made me feel
...I thought that he was my perfect unic and real love
until he broke my heart...that was when i decided that Im not going
to love AGAIN.....
I dont want to play with you...because...i loveu..but not enough..
I remember...How it feels that pain...i i cry...x(..i just can try to believe in this feeling even this can last....a lot.....i hope that you can understand me...if not...i'll understand too
I hope that you can read it....and that u can make me know it...
just like before...ring my cellphone...I'll try to be for u....I like to keep promises...
And i hope the same about you...I dont want to be perfect for u...i spent a lot of time
in someone who dont see me....but not ready to love...
and i dont know how someone can understand it...if i dont understand again anything...

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Aun sigo pensando en ti..

                                                                                    Me levanto veo el reloj..i me recuerda cuando solia
ver un mensaje tuyo cada mañana...cuando no podia
dejar de sonreir..cuando hablabamos dias enteros...cuando mi mente
se perdia el momento de tenerte ahi al frente....porq tu 
mente esta conectada con la mia...porque mi corazon..aun te 
busca...ii aun tanto dolor...q solo el tiempo me mostro
aun puedo decir q te qiero cada dia un poco mas...
stupido el q no se de cuenta d lo que por ti siento....que solo contigo podria compartirlo..
eres mi norte i mi sur...mis ganas de dar un respiro a la vida
ii la persona por la que estaria dispuesta a luchar 1000 años mas
hasta q deje de respirar...!!......SOLO CONTIGO...!...

aun stas ahi..dnde te qedaste!!